The issues

Decades of Conflicts Have Deteriorated Education and Society Culture.

Illiteracy in Iraq has increased with an estimated 8 million illiterates across the country,more than half of whom are women.

Illiteracy has been concentrated in areas of displacement and newly recovered governorates from ISIS occupation, where students have dropped out of schools significantly,choosing to work and provide for their families.

Students`Dropout Rate is Estimated at 25%,

Due to Government Neglegance 

as well as the mistreatment of students, and the bad conditions of  schools , especially in the capital – Baghdad,and in the Central and Southern Governorates.

Private Schools and Institutions Emerged  

Private Schools, Institutions and Universities have emerged – unaffordable for most of the  Iraqis. Most of theses Institutions  are unqualified and uncertified by the Ministry of  Higher Education ,  with random selection of educational  curriculum and corruption among teaching staff as well as committing fraud in granting certificates for the students.

The Future of Iraqi Youth is Vague and Uncertain. Most Graduates are Unemployed … leading parents to be less interested in educating their children.

Lack of righteousness in the employment hierarchy, lack of accountability of employees for their work …. All made the employees lose their interests and desire to develop and refine their skills.

Brain Drain…

It negatively affected the transfer of culture and knowledge from one generation to another, which led to the loss of Role Models for the young generations  

Hadatha Foundation

A Registered local Non-Governmental Organization in Baghdad – Regestration No. 1S1906023 dated 26.6.2019 

Contact Us

Iraq, Baghdad Al-Mansour, Al-Ameerat St. , District 601, St. 18, Bldq.16

Tel. : +964 750 0385 001‬


