The new year does not just come and go

The new year comes and takes a thin layer of our ages .. and moves on

So, age is only a thin layer of our years … months

Weeks and Days go around without asking for permission

Your whole entity is but what you can put in on these active layers

These layers do not care about your strength, your pride in your position, nor your beauty

 To turn around … they just come … and go

Age has its own will

This thin layer of time is but a small part of the infinite will

 That we all circulate in

So, in the next gift of the lively layer of time ….  that we call next year

Live  Gloriously and cherish the bundles of joy, love and happiness that guides you

Do something good for others

Because these thin … all active… layers

Are  your own time … here…. and now

What will you benefit  from it

It is your only and pure  will

“Shatha Al-Zuhairy”