The success stories of Iraqis abroad are too many ,   among which the story of the  Iraqi young  woman Summer Thamer Al-Mafraji, who lives in the United Arab Emirates . She became an icon of pride and a role model. Today, she is trying to pass on her experience to her generation  who are responsible  for building  their country  relying on citizenship, national identity, and the  sincere desire to overcome obstacles towards rising rapidly to match the  world that respects will of their citizens .

We asked when she visited Baghdad after almost 15 years of living abroad:

My success story is summed up by my belief in myself and my confidence in my abilities that God has bestowed upon me  and commanded us to invest in building ourselves and our societies so that we can contribute to glorify our  tradition that will be a legacy for the generations that come after us.

Success begins from within the person himself if he is able to overcome obstacles that may discourage him from his success or limit his ambition and capabilities and overcome these obstacles in a way that enables women to enhance their self-confidence to be an effective and influential element in society, then the human aspiration to achieve his goal and his pursuit of the goal is success itself . She left Iraq in 2002 and managed, after years and specifically in 2008, to obtain a government job in the Dubai government, and it has been proven in that work that women can adopt enlightening thought that supports women’s inclusion in public life. In 2010 I was appointed as a specialist in oil and gas projects which is far from my academic studies, but I shed away from the grandfather’s help and proved that the role of women in work does not come next to the role of men but rather, as an equal and full partner in work and production in society that allows the development of social structures . That is why today I am the CEO of this company in Iraq.

What are the most prominent things that a woman can provide to her community?

Women are the focus of change and development in societies, and their presence in social work is the focus of societal construction. It is a number that cannot be ignored, nor can any development be achieved in any country without women having an active role in it. They constitute half of society, in addition to playing a prominent and effective role in the success of the other half. A man cannot offer success if he does not have a sister, mother, or wife who contributed to his success, because a man’s greatness is from the greatness of a woman and the greatness of a woman out of the greatness of herself.

What are the challenges of alienation you faced?

The challenges of alienation are many and sometimes cruel. It is difficult for a person to start his journey while he is in a land that is not his land, such as a guest who comes down in a house that knows that he must one day leave from it, especially if he is in the countries that are characterized by development and modernity. It is difficult because the opportunity comes to the son of the host country before the other. So the competition is intense, and the feeling of longing for home is a difficult challenge. This feeling is a burden on the human being that sometimes prevents him from achieving success.

What do you wish to achieve from the community projects after a marked success march?

– I aspire to achieve projects that would contribute to restoring awareness and spreading the correct national thought, which would build society and the homeland. Among the most important and most beautiful projects that I seek to achieve are those that focus on youth energies as the backbone of construction and development in all societies.

What are you planning to implement in the foreseeable future?

– I plan to establish centers to train Iraqi youth energies on modern technologies in oil and gas projects, given that oil is the backbone of the Iraqi economy and the lifeline in it, and security cannot be achieved without a strong economy, and a strong economy cannot be built without the contribution of young, prepared and trained energies to take the lead and advance the country with Iraqi hands without assistance from someone .

How did you see Baghdad after your first visit in about 15 years?

– I came to Baghdad after a long absence and I was glad to stand on a platform in the capital to tell others about my success story, but I was surprised by the young energies that I met because I found inside every young man and young woman a success story that has many challenges and obstacles that prevent achieving success, but the young people sought to overcome these The obstacles are greater than leaving them to be an obstacle to achieving success and reaching the goal.

What are the results of your visit to Iraq? How did you find the situation?

– I believe that Iraq will rise again and that its people are able to take the lead in building a single developed country capable of keeping pace with the riders of development in the developed world, and the educated class must perform its mission in spreading awareness and building the pillars of love among people so that we can rise and restore Iraq to its place among the nations It is a platform for scholars and scholars, and a kiss for love, brotherhood and tolerance.